Become a Member

If you want to become a member of our group and write with the fellow authors, drop us an email at with the following:

  1. Your Name
  2. Short Bio
  3. An article written by you (preferrably academic)

We will get back to you within a week.

Role of the Members- The members are requested to uphold academic integrity and be sensitive to contextual realities. The authors hold complete individual ownership of their article and it does not speak for the community as a whole.

1. For Master’s and Bachelor’s students: Regularly write for the TIC  writing cycles and provide constructive feedback. Engage in discussions on the group and ensure participation in other activities organised by TIC. Communicate effectively and maintain decorum.  Learn from your fellow members and share exciting opportunities with them.  

2. For a PhD. Scholar: At TIC, we acknowledge the immense skills and experience PhD. Scholars already hold. Hence, to provide them  space and flexibility, their role has been designed differently.  Articles written by them, at least once every quarter, will be published on the TIC blog under a separate section reserved for them. They will also be required to engage with the group and share  insights over academic writing. Provide feedback the young academic writers of the group.